This document describes what constitutes an exit event in the GRIDSMART System and how those events are logged in the count files.

A vehicle exiting a Vehicle Zone is a count event. Each count event is recorded as a single line in the corresponding zone count file. Zone count files are CSV files and are named according to a <ZONE-GUID>.csv convention, where the zone GUID is the "Id" attribute specified in the site configuration XML or JSON for the zone. For systems licensed for the Performance or the Performance Plus Module, the count files can be downloaded from the Processor as described in the GRIDSMART API documentation, in particular the Counts by date section, or by connecting a USB drive to the Processor.

Below are the CSV headers for count files based on the version of the GRIDSMART System.

GRIDSMART 19.3 and later (count version 9)

Count Version (9), Site Revision, Local Timestamp (HHMMSS.f format), UTC Offset In Minutes, Turn, Vehicle Length in Feet, Unnormalized Vehicle Speed, Light State, Seconds in Zone, Vehicles Remaining in Zone, Seconds of Light State, Seconds Since Green, Zone Recent Free Flow Speed (-1 if unavailable), Zone Calibration Free Flow Speed (-1 if unavailable), Bike Probability

GRIDSMART v6.4 through v6.9 (count version 8)

Count Version (8), Site Revision, Local Timestamp (HHMMSS.f format), UTC Offset In Minutes, Turn, Vehicle Length in Feet, Unnormalized Vehicle Speed, Light State, Seconds in Zone, Vehicles Remaining in Zone, Seconds of Light State, Seconds Since Green, Zone Recent Free Flow Speed (-1 if unavailable), Zone Calibration Free Flow Speed (-1 if unavailable)

GRIDSMART v6.0 (count version 7)

Count Version (7), Site Revision, Local Timestamp (HHMMSS.f format), UTC Offset In Minutes, Turn, Vehicle Length in Feet, Unnormalized Vehicle Speed in MPH, Light State, Seconds in Zone, Vehicles Remaining in Zone, Confidence.

GRIDSMART v4.0 through v5.4 (count version 4.0)

CountVersion (4.0), SiteRevision, UtcTimestamp (YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS.ffffff format), InternalVehicleId, InternalVehicleType, VehicleLengthFeet, UnnormalizedVehicleSpeedMph, Turn, AllowableTurns, SecondsInZone, SecondsSinceLastExit, EstimatedQueueLength, LightStateOnExit, SecondsSinceGreen, InternalFrameCount, DayOrNight


Date, TimeWithFractionalSeconds, SecondsOfDay, InternalVehicleId, InternalVehicleType, VehicleLengthFeet, UnnormalizedVehicleSpeedMph, Turn, AllowableTurns, SecondsInZone, SecondsSinceLastExit, EstimatedQueueLength, LightStateOnExit, SecondsSinceGreen, InternalFrameCount, DayOrNight

GRIDSMART v3.2 and earlier

Date, TimeWithIntegerSeconds, SecondsOfDay, InternalVehicleId, InternalVehicleType, VehicleLengthFeet, UnnormalizedVehicleSpeedMph, Turn, AllowableTurns, SecondsInZone, SecondsSinceLastExit, EstimatedQueueLength, LightStateOnExit, SecondsSinceGreen, InternalFrameCount, DayOrNight